Friday, August 18, 2006

The Ghetto queen should triumph!

As we now know its more a case of 'Who wins? We decide' with Big Brother, it seems a shame if Perfect(ly boring?) Pete walks away with the prize. It's not that he isn't likeable, and has obviously been through a lot in his life, but I preferred him without Limpet Nikki all over him. He also seems much more egotistical than before; surely the best BB winners are the ones who don't appear to think they have a real chance of winning like Craig or Nadia... Yes, I know Cameron was a washout but I think that 4th year of BB been wiped from history anyway. With Pete, what has let him down is his lack of passion - yes, he's madcap and hyper sometimes - but he very rarely stands up for himself or anyone else and is quite happy to stay out of major ructions in the house. This has, of course, stood previous housemates in good stead, such as Anthony (although he was a lacklustre winner IMO), but doesn't provide anything to get really excited about. Also, what was all that rubbish about the election speeches? Thank Jeebs he came to his senses and told Aisleyne not to worry about it - unlike the increasingly irritating (she would have been better off not coming back in) Nikki. Anyone would think Aisleyne had caused Pete to be sentenced to death or something - the only thing the speeches showed is who is up each others arses (R&N) and who loves themselves (Pete!).

Aisleyne has fallen out with almost everyone; appeared bitchy and false at times; seemed ridiculously paranoid and self-obsessed and may even be an actress (Duuuurr! Who in there isn't?!) - yet she has constantly been entertaining to watch. I know editing can skew events, but she has stood up for people (especially against the vile Grace), shown maturity, honesty, compassion and seems very different from the attitude led persona she had when she arrived. Yeah, she is probably playing a game like all of them but along Richard she has survived the most in the house; and dammit a girl should win this year! Vote Aissssslyne!

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