Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Money! That's what I want! Er-yeah!

Today has got off to a great start!

I decided to bite the bullet and find out how much I still owed on my student loan, only to discover that I am due a refund! To the tune of £389! Now, I just need to decide what to do with it!
Unfortunately, being a grown up (or something like it) I can't really blow it all on some ridiculous shiny new toy or do a trolley dash around HMV... Which is really a shame. Instead, my options are: Blah boring blah blah *THIS SECTION HAS BEEN CENSORED BY MY LIFE PARTNER* (apparently our finances are not for public consumption?! What madness!).

Anyway! If I was being really romantic (which being newly censored - whose blog is this anyway?! - I'm not really feeling it) I would use some of it to take Kat out for our 4 year anniversary on bank holiday weekend.... We'll see! I might treat myself to a new (cheap) watch as I really do need one!

Anyway, its still a YAY! moment. Wonder if the rest of the day can live up to it? I might send my P60 off and see if I am owed any money from the tax man too!

1 comment:

Brinstar said...

What the fuck, Helen! Blogging behind my back -- how dare you not tell me!