Monday, April 02, 2007

Chin up chick!

So, I was going to write a kind of response to Jon's recent blog about apathy...

Did I just give up I hear you ask? Lost all interest?

(I'm sorry too :))

No! But my computer was being a numpty so that one won't be up today. But here I am on my lunchbreak so thought I'd have a natter.

Really don't want to go into our flat saga on here, suffice to say things have got a little bit worse but there's always light I guess... I have to believe that at the moment, otherwise I would be screaming or crying right now.

Anyway... I caught Wife Swop last night and some of the Louis Theroux thing (both were escapism at its finest - although not enough!!). Nah, the most hated family in America doc, was, from what I could tell, not that indepth. I mean Louis T tried to get under their skin but I have a feeling they got under his more. They seemed just as stubborn and arrogant at the end as they were (in the bits I saw) at the beginning. Scary thing was they were pretty damn clever too, and unnervingly normal in some ways. Ok, I mean you'd have to overlook the fact that they think anyone who doesn't adhere to their skewed version of the bible, is quote a "fag" or a "fag enabler", oh and that they picket soldier's funerals in the US because anyone who defends such a hellbound nation as the USA is asking for it... gosh, makes you proud to think they are raising their kids (it is mostly one extended family) in such an wonderful tradition.

I did agree with one point they had, being that they don't support the war in Iraq. Of course they don't support it because of the aforementioned hellboundness of the country and this "no win" war being part of the big G's plan to punish G.W and all who sail in him. Nothing to do with tons of big fat mistakes and a whole load of greed then...

One of them, a doc filmmaker who had joined the cult (that's what it is really), after coming to film them (wonder if Louis was scared?!), said that homosexuals or fags as he so charmingly calls us are the elephant in the room that no one talks about (apart from them). Hmmm, of course we are. It couldn't be the fact that the largest nellie squeezing them all to one side is the fact that they are "humanoids"who may look like your average joe but they have no soul to speak of. In fact they are so twisted and broken up inside by their own self-importance and intolerant rage at the world that they have ultimate self-belief. If their message wasn't so hateful they would make fab life coaches!!
Anyway. These 71 peeps are apparently going to be the only ones saved when judgement day comes... Suddenly the thought of surviving the apocalyspe doesn't seem so appealing, does it?

Oh, the one perfect thing about the program was the revelation that the profession of choice of this disgusting clan is...


Hmmm. As I said: perfect!

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