Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Sale at ASOS

Hello. Currently, I am pikey. Maybe you are too. If so, (or even if not) check out the £5 and under sale at ASOS (as seen on screen): they do homeware, clothes, accessories and much much more! You too could wear a 'nicole richie' style chunky scarf... well it probably looks chunky on her because she is the size of a toothpick, but I'm sure you'd look lovely in it!*

(*except if you are a male friend reading this - although I think most of my male friends are quite metrosexual!).

Guess what? We are closing early tonight for celebration drinks, cake and jelly and ice cream. Well, maybe not the last three but you get the idea.

Result. I am sure that afterwards I will feel so much more fulfilled and rewarded for working so damn hard for so little reward. Yes. I really truly think so.

My own stupid fault anyway. Doh.

H x

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