Thursday, September 28, 2006

"Fat weeks" Forrest


Time for a catch up I think! Lots to say... I've been christened "fat weeks" Forrest by K as I've been rather busy of late (big weeks rather than small weeks) and have joined our local women's gym, started a writing class which is every Monday night and also have two job applications that I'm excited about.

Firstly, I've signed up to this gym and I've got my second appointment tonight (in which I get shown how to use all the weights etc.) My first appointment consisted of a "face2face" about my "program" and what I wanted to get out of it. My BMI is higher than its supposed to be at the moment, but she said that nothing was too bad (she took measurements and weighed me), and when I asked her about what weight I should be she said the measurements were what I should go by, not the scales or BMI. That was quite encouraging as I was expecting her to say I needed to lose however many stone. Anyway, I still have a target weight in mind. Also, I am apparently 5'4"1/2, early in the morning with no shoes on - cool! K thinks this is a lie as it would make her about 5'7", I told her to shut up.

After the "face2face" I tried out the gym for 1/2 an hour and had a go at the treadmill, cross-trainer, bike and rower. It's a really nice gym and was very quiet at about 8am, which is great as I will mostly be going around that time. I like the fact its only for women and they have good equipment and are friendly. I just have to keep the motivation up. After all, it is only 5mins walk away so I should be alright! They are also going to give me advice on nutrition and stuff. Not bad as I have seen more expensive gyms than this.

Secondly, my writing class. So far so good, as my new fave youtuber 'uglyfatlady' would say (she's neither but is embarking on a weightloss regime and is very funny and sweet). I was rather nervous when I realised how much we were going to have to read out, as in writing exercise for 15mins then read it out... There are about 20 people in the class but all are friendly and most are very good. It wasn't too bad reading it out and the more I do it the better I'll get and the more relaxed I'll be. It will also help me be more confident (and make doing a reading at G&M's wedding easier!). I've made a friend, called - (don't know how to spell it yet), who is nice and has a gsoh. We walked back to the station together afterwards.

Got to go back to work now, so no time to write about the jobs - have to finish applying for them tonight anyway!


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