Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Food diary begins!

Okay, so my diet isn't brilliant... but sadly it was much much worse for the period I had to do my food diary for the gym. I went out three nights in a row, drunk all three nights, had fast food two nights running... and so on!

I had my (shameful) consulation at 7.30 this morning and I now have some targets to reach for this week (I did tell her I normally cook at home 5 out 7 nights at least and was honest!) 1. eat breakfast 2. drink more water 3. eat more fruit and veg (5 portions etc).

So in the interests of my health I have decided to incorporate a food diary into my blog. Everyday I will blog about what I have eaten and drunk. Hopefully this way I won't be tempted to stray and even if no one is reading this it will still be an incentive to eat well if I have to type it out.

Today so far:
8 am 1 bowl of bitesize apple and raisin shredded wheat w/ semi skimmed milk
10am 1 innocent superfoods smoothy (2 x fruit for day)
11am 1 packet of carrot crunchies (1 x veg for day)
1pm 1 pork and salad wrap 392 cals, 9.9 fat (1 x veg for day)
1 fruit salad (2 x fruit for day)
1 bottle volvic sugar free touch of fruit (equil 2 x water)

So far so good! I was tempted by a kitkat but managed to resist! The more I do it the better I should get I suppose!

Just to offset all this healthiness check out a blog I have been reading lately - the girl who ate everything - http://www.roboppy.net/food/ (well if I can't eat it I can read about it!)

Also did my cardio workout at the gym this morning so feeling good about that!

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