Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Locked up with garlic features

Oh the joys of the bank holiday and all the sunny delight tm it held is over... heh. To be truthful it was just a normal weekend for me as I was at work yesterday, being grumpy and resentful. Nothing unusual there then.

Katty made me a lovely garlic and potato soup for my lunch (yes, babes, the flask did work well) except as my fellow staff members (can't speak for the public) aren't vampires needing to be kept at bay I've just had to use mouthwash... Don't ask why I have mouthwash in my locker, I'll only add that it isn't due to alcoholism... Oh, ok, if anyone has ever seen my locker you'll know all I need in there is a bed and I could move in.

Yep. It is really that bad.

Why do some ppl have a tidiness gene and other's don't? It's not that I don't want to be tidy and if I really try I can be - I'm just saying its a constant battle against my dna. I get tired just thinking about it.



Jon Swords said...

I've always think tidy people were mentally ill, perhaps that is why sanatoriums (do they still call them that?) are so tidy and manage to pull off that minimalist look when you know there is such messiness about.

Brinstar said...

Tidying can make you feel productive. After tidying I feel more mentally relaxed. I'm not a neat freak. Sometimes things get out of hand in my flat, and I just need to go on a cleaning frenzy or else I'd go mental.

One of the things I cleaned this weekend was my car. I can't believe how dirty my steering wheel was. Seriously. OMG.

Kat said...

Yes, Regina so needs commetting on that comment alone!